1·Recent years have seen profound change in the landscape of engagement in regard to public private partnerships.
2·The public key must be stored on the target machine to complete the public-private key combination.
3·The public/private keys need to be created for each host. They will be used both for encryption and identification of the hosts.
4·The keys that you set up will be used for authentication, and the encryption will be handled automatically through the public/private key.
5·So public-private key pairs can be used for both encryption and signing of messages exchanged between two parties, provided each party has access to the other's public key.
6·TB patients seek care from a wide array of public, private, corporate and voluntary health-care providers.
7·Aimed at public, private or hybrid businesses, IBM offers three types of services.
8·And nestle Pure Life bottles will indicate whether the water comes from public, private or deep well sources.
nestle Pure Life也将在其瓶子上标明它采用的是公共饮用水、私有水源或地下水。
9·For NamedElements, you'll get their visibility level (public, private, and so on), as you see in Listing 21.
10·A dialog box displays, requesting the name and visibility (public, private, protected, or default) of the new method.